Sudan - Bradt Travel Guide

Bradt Travel GuidesSKU: 9781841624136
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Von: Ibbotson, Sophie Lovell-Hoare, Max
Kartoniert, 232 Seiten, 16 pages of colour illustrations. 31 maps,
Maße: (LxBxH): 21,6x13,6x1,5 cm, Gewicht: 294 g
Auflage: 3. Auflage
Erscheinungsdatum: 11/2012
Sprache(n): Englisch

The most up-to-date guide to Sudan since the secession of South Sudan. Wanderlust magazine voted Sudan as the top emerging tourism destination for 2012. The new edition contains detailed coverage of Sudan's archaeological sites. In-depth security information on all areas, including Darfur and Blue Nile states. Expanded section covering Sudanese culture, its people and languages. Includes new images and maps using the latest GPS information. No longer covers South Sudan which will feature in a separate guide in 2013.

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